But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
Acts 1:8
International (to the ends of the earth)
West Africa (adopted hidden people group)
Operation Christmas Child (OCC)
Unity Baptist does Christmas in July by collecting items for the shoe boxes during Vacation Bible School (VBS). One VBS station is focused on OCC and children bring items to place in shoe boxes and pack them to send to children around the world.

North America (in all Judea and Samaria)
Disaster Relief
Unity Baptist Church is a designated Disaster Relief Shelter. In a time of disaster in our area, Unity could be called upon to be a shelter facility for those in need.
You can also be certified to staff the Unity shelter or travel to other disaster areas to serve others in need with the love of Jesus.
Trail Days
Unity has the opportunity to serve hikers on the Appalachian Trail with meals, haircuts, clothing repairs, medical support, prayer, and hte love of Christ in Damascus, Virginia every May.

Local (in Jerusalem)
Unity Baptist Church provides weekend meals to 60 students in need at 4 local elementary schools every weekend during the school year. They are also provided with Gospel information.
ESL (English as a Second Language)
Beginning in May 2024, we will begin offering an English as a second language course. This course will run Thursday nights from 6-8PM from May 30 – July 27.
Good News Club
Unity Baptist brings the goods news of Jesus to 5 elementary schools in Prince George, Virginia.

Mission Partners